Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Oh, Are These Your Clothes?

Welcome, friends, at long last to I'm Wearing Your Clothes, a chronicle of my - and hopefully your - fashionable garment rewearing adventures.

In 2008, I decided to embark on a project of sorts, to only acquire previously owned clothes. What this means is, I would't buy anything new at a store, I would only buy used, and I would swap and scavenge. Frankly, this wasn't that much of a challenge, as I already have a walk-in closet full of clothes, plus I had already mostly bought used or swapped and scavenged anyway. But, it gave me the opportunity to talk to folks about going used. This blog was borne out of one such discussion.

I've decided to continue the project this year, with slightly more strict parameters: last year, I made exceptions for new undies, socks and shoes. This year, new shoes are out, and my black Chuck Taylors are looking pretty thin. Can I make it? I'll keep you posted.

I'd love to have other writers contribute. Whether your on a used-only diet like I am, or just relish the thrill of the second-hand find, send me a line and let me know - you can email me at sig at cloudfactory dot org. Sweet.